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Expanding Our Services | Tackling Hospital Discharge Delays in Scotland

Vivid.Care are proud to announce we are expanding our reach to offer patient lifting equipment and specialist patient seating solutions north of the UK border into Scotland.

The announcement of Vivid Care’s expansion into Scotland was made during P4H Scotland 2023, an event set up to connect Scotland’s care equipment supplier and buyer community. The event was attended by care representatives from NHS Scotland, local authorities, and independent healthcare providers.

To better serve our clients, a new Scotland based office and contact number will provide localised support and cater to the specific needs of the Scottish healthcare system.

Tristan Hulbert, Managing Director at Vivid Care comments on the company's expansion into Scotland.

This signifies Vivid Care’s introduction to the Scottish healthcare procurement community, demonstrating our dedication to delivering high-quality products and solutions to meet Scotland’s healthcare needs.

Until now, Vivid’s care equipment offerings in Scotland have been part of the larger focus on the NHS & community care services in England. A new focus is being applied to providing healthcare solutions customised specifically to healthcare inequalities and inefficiencies north of the border.

Illustration showing the various causes of delayed patient discharge in UK hospitals.

“As part of our commitment to advance care & improve lives, we are expanding our reach into Scotland, where the average length of delay is 21 days, and the healthcare system faces similar challenges to those in England. – Tristan Hulbert, Managing Director at Vivid Care.
About Us:

As a leading healthcare equipment supplier with over 50 years of experience, Vivid Care is proud to announce its expansion into Scotland, offering our expertise in seating solutions for complex conditions and patient lifting equipment.

Our goal is to increase partnerships with healthcare organizers in acute facilities across Scotland to reduce delays in discharge and enable faster falls response, alleviating ambulance pressures.

Why We Are Expanding:

Latest publicly available figures show that in February 2023, there were 1871 people delayed, an increase of 2% on January 2023 in Scottish hospitals.

Our expansion into Scotland reflects Vivid Care’s commitment to delivering high-quality healthcare equipment solutions to patients and healthcare providers across the UK.

Our products have helped NHS hospitals and Trusts in England & Wales to meet their patients’ needs and tackle existing patient backlogs in the healthcare system caused by delayed discharge due to a lack of appropriate equipment.

We look forward to continuing this good work by working closely with healthcare organisers in Scotland and contribute to better patient outcomes in the region.

Patient Falls & Seating Solutions

What We Do:

With the healthcare system in Scotland facing similar challenges to those in England, we are committed to advancing care and improving lives in the region. We understand the systematic issues causing delays in discharge, backlogs, and the lack of access to the right equipment for patients and healthcare providers.

“Systematic issues causing delays in discharge, backlogs, and a lack of access to the right equipment for patients and healthcare providers are all problems that healthcare officials are trying to tackle, and we’re doing everything we can to help them.”
How We Do It:

A confluence of systematic issues continues to cause patient delays in discharge…from hospital backlogs to a lack of access to the right equipment for patients and healthcare providers both in hospital and in the community once discharged are all problems that healthcare officials are attempting to tackle.

The Growing Costs of Pressure Injury Wound Management:

The care and management of pressure injury wounds in the UK is becoming a concern, the annual prevalence of wounds increased by 71% between 2012/13 and 2017/18.

In the same reporting year (2017/18), the total cost of pressure wound management to the NHS in the UK was £8.32 billion in 2017/18.

Vivid.Care’s products are created to help reduce these and other associated costs, our wide range of healthcare and mobility equipment is designed to support patients and enhance the services a carer can provide.

Illustration showing the full Lento chair range including Care Chairs & riser recliners.

Our products are developed alongside healthcare professionals and NHS Trusts across the UK to create patient seating solutions that are:

  • Easily and widely adjustable to fit a range of patients.
  • Feature built in pressure injury and wound management materials.
  • High stretch, vapour permeable materials to prevent moisture build up.

Our hospital patient seating is designed specifically to:

  • Enable faster patient mobilisation
  • Allow rapid patient discharge into community settings

Built to meet the hygiene and infection control standards of hospitals and other acute care centers, our specialist seating and patient lifting solutions can also be found in community care settings including:

  • Nursing & Care Homes
  • Hospice Care Centers
  • Private Residences
  • Home Care Services

Settings our home care mobility chairs can offer the same high quality support to recovering patients and reduce the amount of bed days occupied by ‘fit to discharge’ patients.

Seating Standardisation:

There are many benefits to standardising the seating solutions that you offer to patients, from cost reduction to reducing complexity and the need to train staff in using new equipment.

Illustration detailing the eight steps of Vivid Care's specialist healthcare Seating Standardisation model.

Our eight step specialist Seating Standardisation model is currently being used by healthcare providers across the UK.

Specialist seating standardisation is the process of moving from using multiple varying styles of chairs in your healthcare facility, to moving to a standard range of chairs that will suit all patients. 

A range of widely adjustable rehabilitative patient seating allows hospitals and nursing/care homes to provide high quality care to a number of patients while using the same equipment, greatly reducing the time which patients wait for provision of the right equipment before they begin their rehabilitation process.

Seating standardisation can be implemented in:

  • Hospitals
  • NHS Trust Level
  • Private homes
  • Community care environments
Previous Partnerships In Scotland:

Recently, we have expanded our partnerships in the north of England to include:

  • Aberdeenshire Council
  • NHS Scotland
  • Scottish Ambulance – Helping to ensure the continued availability of safe patient lifting equipment with the Raizer Lifting Chair.

This move has been made to reduce hospital delays and improve falls response in the country through provision of high-quality, problem solving healthcare equipment and reliable patient lifting equipment.

We hope to build on these partnerships in Scotland, offering tailored solutions for specific needs in the community, individual homes, NHS hospitals & emergency services.

For more information about Vivid Care’s range of patient falls lifting equipment and specialist rehabilitative patient seating, please visit contact:

– Scottish office: 0131 202 8080

– English office: 01423 799 960

Patient Falls & Seating Solutions

Date Published

26 May 2023

Reading Time

5 minutes

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Brian Chege

Brian is a university graduate with a particular interest in researching and writing about healthcare topics, including medical conditions, and current NHS issues and solutions. To ensure his articles are relevant and accurate, Brian uses UK government and private sector reports, and draws on a vast network of independent occupational therapists, physiotherapists, and healthcare professionals to both inform and verify his work.

Blog image that reads: Vivid CAre - Expansion into Scotland. There is an image of the Scottish flag.
Specialist Seating, Care Chairs, Rise Recline Chairs, Care Beds and Moving & Handling Equipment. Hospital Chairs. Clinical Seating. Care Home Chairs. Hospice Chairs. Seating Assessment. Occupational Therapy. Therapeutic Seating. Vivid Care. NHS Seating.
Specialist Seating, Care Chairs, Rise Recline Chairs, Care Beds and Moving & Handling Equipment. Hospital Chairs. Clinical Seating. Care Home Chairs. Hospice Chairs. Seating Assessment. Occupational Therapy. Therapeutic Seating. Vivid Care. NHS Seating.

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