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What’s New with Raizer 2?

Vivid Care have been supplying the Raizer emergency lifting chair to care homes, hospitals, emergency services, and private residences across Scotland and Northern England since 2016.

In 2019, we sold more Raizers than ever before. This success lead to further research into how the lifting device could be made even better. Now, we are pleased to have launched the new and improved Raizer 2! Here’s some more information on how and why the Raizer has been changed:

What is a Raizer Lifting Chair?

For anyone who isn’t already familiar with the Raizer, it is an emergency falls lifting chair.

The Raizer 2 comes in seven lightweight pieces that can quickly be assembled around someone who has fallen. You can then use the remote control to gently raise them back up to their feet. It provides a fast, safe way to help someone up after a fall without the need for manual lifting.

Care professionals that have used the device reported reductions in fall assistance times from 6 hours to just 15 minutes!

Why has the Raizer lifting chair been changed?

You might be thinking, if the original Raizer was already effective, then why has it been changed?

These improvements have been made based on feedback from thousands of healthcare professionals around the world who have tried and tested the Raizer first-hand.

Steve Ellis, Vivid Care’s Raizer Specialist, explains the process that went into launching a new version of the Raizer:

“We sold hundreds of Raizer lifting devices last year, it’s an incredibly popular piece of kit. Anyone that’s tried it is impressed by how quickly and easily you can get someone back on their feet after a fall.

But, like with any product that offers a completely new solution to a problem, eventually, you start to spot ways it could be made even better. We work closely with our Raizer customers — asking for feedback and checking in on how they get on with the chair over time — and a couple of suggestions kept coming up. For example, users wanted to be able to adjust the seatbelt and they didn’t want to have to colour-match parts for assembly.

We were able to pass this feedback on to the manufacturers, and other dealerships did the same. It’s this open conversation between us, end-users and the manufacturer that has led to the Raizer 2. I think it’s better than ever!”

Just like the original, the Raizer 2 only needs one person to operate it. The new features and enhancements are designed to improve the ease of use, speed, and safety for single-handed care.

Raizer 2: What’s Changed?

There are six main differences between the Raizer and Raizer 2.

1)     Easier Assembly

Previously, the back rest and leg pieces were colour-coded to indicate which one fit the left and right side of the seat unit. These have been replaced with universal parts that fit onto either side of the seat unit.

Sound indicators have also been added so the operator can instantly tell when the device is correctly assembled and ready to lift.

2)     Enhanced Infection Control

The seat belt is no longer attached to the seat unit, it can be fully removed for washing.

A new seat unit service makes it possible to disinfect the Raizer 2 and all parts now offer IP52 ingress protection. This is ideal for hospital wards where infection control is a top priority.

3)     Extra Support & Safety

The new seat belt can also be adjusted, so you can position it at any point along the backrest to give the user support where they need it. For extra torso stability, you can now add up to three seatbelts.

A more intuitive, magnetised emergency stop button has been added to replace the standard ‘push’ button. It is easy to stop the chair immediately if needed but it cannot be pressed accidentally.

4)     Easier Disassembly

When you lower the Raizer 2 after use, the legs have an automatic end stop position, so they are in the correct position for disassembly.

The carry bag is structured so that after disassembly, you pack the parts away in the order you need to take them out for assembly the next time you use the Raizer 2.

5)     Easier Storage & Maintenance

The remote control now has a storage position on the side of the seat unit. An alert will sound if the remote is not in position when the Raizer 2 isn’t in use. This stops the remote from getting lost or separated from the chair, so it is always on hand when you need it.

New indicators allow you to see the battery levels and remind you when the Raizer 2 is due a service — so you never forget to charge it or book your appointment!

6)     Easier Transportation

The seat unit now has a more ergonomic carry handle and is more lightweight.

Raizer vs. Raizer 2

Original Raizer Raizer 2
Lifting Capacity 150kg 150kg
Lifting Time 20 — 30 seconds 20 — 30 seconds
Seat Unit Weight 9kg 8.5kg
Overall Weight 13kg 13kg
Number of Lifts per Charge Approx. 100 with average load Approx. 100 with average load
Ingress Protection Level IP52
Charging Time 6 hours Max. 6 hours
Charging from Empty 10 — 15 minutes = 1 transfer 10 — 15 minutes = 1 transfer
Number of Support Belts 1 1 — 3
Dimensions when standing (LxWxH) 766 x 616 x 1150 mm 671 x 686 x 1252 mm

Book a Demo

If you want to see what’s new with Raizer 2 for yourself, book a no-obligation demonstration. We will arrange to come and show you the new lifting device at a time and place that suits you.


Falls are the largest cause of emergency hospital admissions in older people and one in three people aged 65+ fall at least once a year. Continuing to improve fall assistance devices is key for protecting older people and reducing the cost of falls on the healthcare service. The launch of Raizer 2 is the latest step in using innovation to make fall assistance safer, faster, and more comfortable for both people who have fallen and their carers.

Date Published

16 January 2020

Reading Time

4 minutes

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Graeme Wilson

Graeme has worked alongside the public sector for much of his working life, helping departments improve efficiencies and deliver on projects. In his role at Vivid.Care, Graeme used his experience to tackle some of the most challenging issues in the healthcare sector, from falls through to winter pressures. He was also a guest speaker and a number of different conferences, including at the Falls Prevention Summit in London.

Raizer 2 falls recovery device & lifting chair.
Specialist Seating, Care Chairs, Rise Recline Chairs, Care Beds and Moving & Handling Equipment. Hospital Chairs. Clinical Seating. Care Home Chairs. Hospice Chairs. Seating Assessment. Occupational Therapy. Therapeutic Seating. Vivid Care. NHS Seating.
Specialist Seating, Care Chairs, Rise Recline Chairs, Care Beds and Moving & Handling Equipment. Hospital Chairs. Clinical Seating. Care Home Chairs. Hospice Chairs. Seating Assessment. Occupational Therapy. Therapeutic Seating. Vivid Care. NHS Seating.

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